
Best Overclocking Apps for Android

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Written by Lucas

Overclocking Android in a split second improves the presentation of your Android gadgets, and you would then be able to run weighty applications or games with no issue.

Presently, assuming you are contemplating how to overclock, then today, I am serving 7 Overclocking Apps for Android that will assist you with expanding the presentation of your Android gadget at the maximized execution securely.

You will require the accompanying things to overclock android to help your gadget execution. Ensure that you have the underneath referenced things prepared before pushing forward:

  • Established Android gadget
  • The gadget is completely energized
  • Reinforcement your documents
  • Introduce an overclocking application from Google Playstore

Recommended applications to Overclock Android:

Kernel Adiutor

Part Auditor is one of the most mind-blowing overclocking applications. With the help of this application, you can figure how to overclock like an ace.

You can oversee setups like:

  • Central processor recurrence
  • Virtual memory
  • Likewise, you can do reinforcement of your record.


Faux123 Kernel Enhancement Pro

Faux123 permits you to change CPU voltage and showcases GPU frequencies continuously.

You have full command over changes of CPU frequencies.


Tegra Overclock

Tegra Overclock assists with exchanging between

  • Battery saving mode (by underclocking)
  • Give a presentation help (by overclocking).


Overclock for Android

This application makes your gadget very quick and assists you with saving battery life. You can set custom profiles and oversee the application.

Performance Tweaker

Execution Tweaker is like Kernel Adiutor App. We suggest attempting this application.You can, without much of a stretch, arrange the accompanying

  • CPY HotPlug
  • Computer processor frequencies
  • GPU recurrence

In any case, one disadvantage is that it is somewhat muddled to utilize.



So that is tied in with overclocking your android gadget. Overclocking can help your gadgets’ speed, yet it will likewise prompt more battery utilization. We suggest you use overclocking just for a brief time frame.

Following the means examined above will most likely lift your gadget’s CPU speed and increment your gadget’s execution.


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A copywriter making sure your product story checks out, Gargi has over 4 years of experience in writing compelling content. Also known for thinking on her feet, she's a Literature Post Grad. When not at her work desk, she can be found working on her PhD and clicking pictures of sunsets.